Violence Amongst Organized Crime Organizations
The 11th District Mafia head member was found hanging from a noose in public view, accounts state he had been thrown out a window and remained there for multiple hours before law enforcement was contacted.
These public displays of violence have been recurring between rival organized crime organizations for multiple years, PPK invites anyone interested to a lecture on organized crime by former MARSOC member and current PPK advisor Jack Dempsey. This lecture is dedicated to law enforcement, military and para-military operatives, and other civilians working in related fields.
Operation Northrop
Two heavily armed men, identities unknown, orchestrated an audacious plan to rob the C1TY-4U Central Depository located at 6600 Canyon, 3rd District. Meticulous preparation was displayed for this heist, they were equipped with military-grade weaponry and body armor, giving them a significant tactical advantage over initial law enforcement response.
On the morning of February 28, the perpetrators entered the bank at approximately 9:17 AM, armed with modified firearms, including AR-15 pattern rifles and various improvised explosives, the robbers carried approximately 3,300 rounds of ammunition and wore full-body armor, covering their torsos, arms, and legs, as well as their faces with gas masks. Motive for this heist is unknown at the time.
Annual PWCC AOB and Related Festivals
The Planetwide Community of Contractors celebrates its 13th consecutive AOB. An arena has been delimitated by Congress of the TEP-S-2, surrounding areas of the now defunct B province (colloquially known as the Landfill) have been cornered and are now closed to all public until PWCC preparations are finished.
PPK Directorate members have expressed approval of the festivities, as it serves as a particularly easy way to contract highly trained operatives (or sub-contract small fighting forces) for operations outside of the jurisdiction of sovereign nations.
The PWCC has extended welcomes to any interested PPK workers and operatives to watch the fights or engage in any of the related festivities, including range days, the cyber-security summit, and the defense contractor summit.
Regarding Orbital Station TG-407
Close to a decade ago, members of the Sayyidian Islamic Movement, belonging to the Neo-Egyptian Islamic Caliphate, attempted to take over the TG-407 Orbital Station, a Chinese vessel responsible for much of the arms trade in the PFSS during the infancy of the PWCC. An 8 hour firefight erupted across the station, with the Sayyidians eventually capturing the vessel in question.
NATO officials instated an operation, still unknown to the public, to retake the vessel by force. Whether or not NATO had contacted the Chinese Communist Party, or what they intended to do with the vessel following the counter-offensive is also, still unknown to both the public and most intelligence agencies.
PPKINTL operatives were at the time contracted (due to proximity to the vessel) to enact surveillance of the vessel and ensure it was not used as a springboard for further operations on SP soil, as ESA assets happened to be some knotyears away.
PPK intended to obtain the vessel for administrative and strategic purposes, but lack of communication between NATO and the CCP, along with the odd circumstances surrounding the event, it was unlikely to begin with that such a purchase (or otherwise) would have been enacted.